Wednesday, November 24, 2010

life update...

exciting things going on in my life.. 

  1. hairspray audition at the rodgers memorial theater :)
  2. job interview at the office of high school services and student recruitment
  3. blizzard cancelled school
  4. ASUU is my home :)
  5. i'm going to california for thanksgiving :)
  6. i like someone :)
yes that is going on in my life as we speak :)
it makes me really happy!
the best part...
i got a call back for hairspray!
they want me to dance for them on the 
corney collins show :)
wish me luck :D

down side..
i still await the phone call
for my job interview. :/

is the bomb dot com :)

there is someone to like in my lifee... 
we'll see how it goes :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

trees of color.

they're the best!
today provided by another successful college day :)
featuring NEON TREES

i love concerts!
i love free tickets to concerts!
i love sharing tickets with my friends!
i love The University of Utah :D

mucho love,
mo :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

homework rocks..

i love homework.. 
not really.
buuut i love
Brad and Trang!
we do homework like no one else does :D